Eli Lilly, symbol (LLY) was known for being a central nervous system (CNS) powerhouse, until patent expiration and generic competition entered with lower priced equivalents. Lilly's history had a strong presence with the following blockbuster (CNS) drugs.
Patent expired in 2013. To treat major depressive disorder (MDD), general anxiety disorder, and fibromyalgia accounted for $5.0 billion worldwide annual sales for LLY.
Patent expired in 2011. To treat Schizophrenia and Bi-Polar. Zyprexa worldwide sales peaked at $5.0 billion annually.
Patent expired in 2001. Prozac (depression) accounted for roughly one quarter of the companies revenues.
The Current list of (CNS) products include.
Approved for Attention Deficit Disorder. Patent expires November 2016.
Zyprexa Injectable
Approved for Schizophrenia.
Many larger capitalized companies with a focus on (CNS) are losing sales to patent expiration and have turned to acquisition to replenish their product lines. Acadia Pharmaceuticals would be an ideal company for potential acquisition because of the safety profile and efficacy in trials. Acadia's Nuplazid (pimavanserin) is preparing to enter the marketplace in 2015 for Parkinson's Disease Psychosis, and has patent expiration until 2028. Thank you for reading.
Patent expired in 2013. To treat major depressive disorder (MDD), general anxiety disorder, and fibromyalgia accounted for $5.0 billion worldwide annual sales for LLY.
Patent expired in 2011. To treat Schizophrenia and Bi-Polar. Zyprexa worldwide sales peaked at $5.0 billion annually.
Patent expired in 2001. Prozac (depression) accounted for roughly one quarter of the companies revenues.
The Current list of (CNS) products include.
Approved for Attention Deficit Disorder. Patent expires November 2016.
Zyprexa Injectable
Approved for Schizophrenia.
Many larger capitalized companies with a focus on (CNS) are losing sales to patent expiration and have turned to acquisition to replenish their product lines. Acadia Pharmaceuticals would be an ideal company for potential acquisition because of the safety profile and efficacy in trials. Acadia's Nuplazid (pimavanserin) is preparing to enter the marketplace in 2015 for Parkinson's Disease Psychosis, and has patent expiration until 2028. Thank you for reading.