There's not an FDA approved drug, for unmet medical need Alopecia available for patients at this time. Both Lilly (Baricitinib) and Concert (CTP-543) have now released long-term (52 week) Alopecia efficacy data, using the SALT score of equal to, or less than a score of 20. Note, that a SALT score 0f zero is considered a full head of hair. So the lower the score the more hair growth has been achieved while on therapy. Below is a chart of the percentage of patients achieving the SALT score of equal to or below 20, in each Lilly and Concert's long-term clinical trials.
From the chart data above, Concerts CTP-543 has 57% of patients achieving SALT 20 or lower in their open label 52 week study. The Lilly press release of their results, can be found here Lilly. Concert’s information is located at their website under Scientific Presentations. There's a strong possibility that one, or both of these oral drugs will get approved, over the next two years. Thank you for reading.