Saturday, January 21, 2023

Auvelity Week Twelve Prescriptions

Axsome Therapeutics, week twelve prescriptions for Auvelity, is the second week of a new quarter of revenue, for the companies recently approved MDD drug. These first two weeks of the first quarter of 2023 will also start the first complete, 12 week quarter for Auvelity since approval. The launch is off to a good start. Stats from IQVIA.

Week 11  01/06/23 = 1300

Week 12  01/13/23 = 1650

Friday, January 13, 2023

2023 - Asset Class Performance

A quick look at a two week chart of returns for some of the major asset classes; stocks, bonds, gold, ethereum, and bitcoin. Easy to see in the chart below, all five of those asset classes have appreciated quite substantially in the first two weeks of 2023.

Are the markets factoring in tame inflation (CPI readings) moving forward, and the federal reserve halting or reversing interest rates over the next few months?  That seemed to spark the rally in assets, after the latest CPI reading. That assumption may be early, and why monitoring the monthly inflation data, will be important. Thank you for reading.