Axsome Therapeutics completed their phase 3 12 month long-term study with Narcolypsy drug candidate AXS-12. The results confirmed the prior phase 2 and phase 3 studies completed.
- Phase 3 long-term reduced cataplexy attacks vs. placebo (p=0.017)
- Phase 3 significantly reduced cataplexy attacks vs. placebo (p=0.018)
- Phase 2 significantly reduced cataplexy attacks vs. placebo (p=0.001)
Based on these results, Axsome will file a new drug application (NDA) with AXS-12 for Narcolypsy patients experiencing cataplexy first half of 2025, and if approved will be on the market in 2026. AXS-12 has patent to 2039. This will be a smaller revenue producer compared to what Auvelity revenues will be producing for MDD, but still significant for a small but growing biotech company. Chart of Axsome below show's stock hovering around $100 per share. Thank you for reading.