Friday, December 13, 2013

ACAD: Acadia Pharmaceuticals ($23.03)

Two companies that we currently hold shares in, Acadia Pharmaceuticals and Omeros, both presented at the 24th annual Oppenheimer Healthcare Conference in New York this week.  From their presentations, I wanted to add any new relevant information for future reference.

CEO Uli Hacksell presented on Tuesday.  Some new takeaway's from his presentation are below.
A)  He mentioned that the patent for Pimavanserin expires in 2028, but also mentioned the potential for filing a patent extension after that time period was a possibility.
B)  The other significant new information had to do with side effects and the box labeling for PDP.  He mentioned that under very high dosing (up to 300 mg) nausea was noticed.  Pima will only be prescribed at 40 mg for PDP.  No other side effects were mentioned as he said this is a very unique safe molecule.
C)  All timelines remained the same as far as filing the new drug application for PDP (by end of 2104) and phase 2 ADP data potentially taking up to two years for data.
D)  CEO expects at the very minimum equal pricing to other current atypical anti-psychotic drugs.
Another positive conference for ACAD. The CEO keeps hammering home the safety and efficacy of Pima compared to other Atypical anti-psychotics currently being used, and the potential for premium pricing for the unmet need of PDP and ADP.

Omeros CEO Greg Demopulos presented on Wednesday, some key information below.
A)  There was much mention regarding partnering for some of their indications, but no concrete details.
B)  The phase 2 Schizo data which was previously thought to be made public in December, now has been pushed back to January.
C)  They have been pursuing hard, getting medical reimbursement for OMS302 or Omidria, which is expected to be approved mid 2014 and launched there after.
D)  Nothing mentioned regarding their cash position.
The phase 2 announcement of OMS824 top line results in January, and the medical reimbursement for Omidria which is expected to launch after approval in mid 2014 are two important events.
Thank you for reading.

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