Saturday, June 29, 2024

Axsome Therapeutics - ADVANCE 2 and ACCORD 2 Clinical Trials

While the company is in the final stages of their Alzheimer's Disease Agitation clinical trials, ADVANCE 2 and ACCORD 2, a reminder of the results of already completed ADVANCE 1 and ACCORD 1 below. 

ADVANCE 1 Results:

  • Reduction in the CMAI (primary endpoint) vs placebo p=o.010

ACCORD 1 Results: 

  • Delayed time to relapse p=0.014
  • Relapse prevention p=0.018
Both ADVANCE 1 and ACCORD 1 results bode well for the eminent release of the two follow on clinical trials ADVANCE 2 and ACCORD 2, expected in the second half of 2024. Both follow-on clinical trials will be using the same endpoint criteria as the previous. Thank you f0r reading.

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