Saturday, June 8, 2024

Relmada Therapeutics - High Risk with Potential Reward

Relmada Therapeutics (RLMD) is in phase 3 clinical trials testing REL-1017, for the adjunctive treatment of MDD. Adjunctive treatment is used in addition to primary treatment to help it work better. Relmada's clinical trials can be viewed here Relmada Clinical Trials. The most important event from an investment point of view, is the release of top line data, for clinical trial RELIANCE II, estimated second half of 2024. 

Risk assessment for investment purposes, is extremely high. Relmada is currently a $3.00 stock, so a successful readout of RELIANCE II could propel the shares much higher. On the other hand, a failure to show efficacy, would result in the stock trading around $1.00 per share. 

REL-1017 is a NMDA receptor antagonist drug, in a similar category of already approved J&J's Spravato and Axsome Therapeutics Auvelity. So having this mechanism of action successfully approved, and on the market is a positive for REL-1017.  We currently hold shares in Axsome Therapeutics and Relmada Therapeutics. Chart of Relmada below, thank you for reading. 

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